Alliance and Condemnation | Alizanza y Condena by renowned poet Claudio Rodríguez is one of Swan Isle Press’s award winning books. The Queen Sofía Spanish Institute awarded translator, Philip W. Silver, as the 2020 Translation Prize Winner. Silver’s English translation of Alliance and Condemnation was selected from a pool of 42 translations published between 2009-2019. Learn More.

The School of Solitude, Collected Poems, by Luis Hernández, translated from the Spanish by Anthony Geist, was on the Shortlist for the 2016 PEN Award for Poetry in Translation. Learn More.

Catalan poet Joan Margarit received the well-deserved, prestigious Premio Cervantes 2019 Award, the most important prize in Spanish literature, for his body of work. Swan Isle Press published New Letters to a Young Poet, translated by Christopher Maurer, in 2011. Learn more.