For Educators

Text Examination Policy

Swan Isle Press offers to send professors and teachers an examination copy of any book they may wish to consider for course use. Please mail or fax your request on your department letterhead specifying the title of the course, your expected enrollment, the semester or quarter in which the course will be offered, the course level (undergraduate or graduate), and any textbooks now currently being used for this course. According to our 90-day policy, we will also send you an invoice at a 20% academic discount, plus shipping charges, payable in 90 days. Should you adopt the book, the invoice will be cancelled. If you choose not to adopt the book, you may return it and have the invoice cancelled or purchase it at the 20% discount price for your own use.

Desk Copy Policy

If you have adopted a Swan Isle Press book for course use, and your textbook store has ordered at least ten copies of the book, you are entitled to one free copy of the book for your own use. Desk copy requests must be on departmental letterhead or utilize one of the standard AAP, NACS, or other forms. Please include the name and enrollment of the relevant course, as well as the name of the bookstore who handles your textbook requirements.

Please send all examination copy and desk copy requests to: [email protected]