Our Supporters

Every contribution to Swan Isle Press makes a difference. As a small, independent, not- for-profit literary press, we are most grateful for the generous support of philanthropic individuals, foundations, universities, and government agencies.

We extend our gratitude to all our generous donors and grantors who have supported our mission of publishing world literature in translation over the years. Every contribution, at every level, is greatly appreciated and vitally important. A list of our major national and international grantors follows:

Community of Literary Magazines & Presses

Literary Arts Emergency Fund: administered by the Academy of American Poets, Community of Literary Magazines & Presses, and National Book Foundation, supported by The Mellon Foundation

Hemingway Grants —
Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States

Illinois Arts Council Agency

Institut Ramon Llull

Instituto Cervantes at Harvard (Observatorio de la lengua española y las culturas de hispanicas en los Estados Unidos)

Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte, Gobierno de España

Boston University Center for the Humanities

University of Michigan

Stony Brook University

University of Virginia

University of Washington

University of West Georgia

Wellesley College

Many thanks to all the generous individuals and giving trusts that have supported Swan Isle Press over the years. We could not fulfill our mission without you.